Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy New Year to all my readers out there, whoever you may be! 

Right off the bat I'm gonna apologize for the short and somewhat not great nature of this post. That's probably some unwritten no-no somewhere in the laws of internet blogging about shooting yourself in the foot before you start, but who cares? Anyways, you all know that I have a pretty decent amount to say about stuff, but today/tonight is just not one of those times. I feel somewhat obligated to post something about a new year, new hope, and resolutions though.

A New Hope - not Star Wars episode IV, but the rolling of the calendar always seems to bring hope to peoples' lives, that they will miraculously lose a ton of weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop doing something, start doing something, and generally change their existence in a radical and better way. What happens along the way? We all fall short of those lofty goals placed at the beginning of the year. I'm not sure I know one person that has ever succeeded in carrying through those goals for the year, ever. So I think the key to this, and I say this somewhat lightly given the previous sentence, is to not put too much pressure on yourself concerning these resolutions at the beginning of January. If you fail one day, you fail one day; but each day is independent and you can make the right choice the next day. Ok enough of this, because even as I'm writing it I know that you can read this all over Yahoo or some other site that evenly dispenses news, advice, email, and fantasy football.

As for me, I actually am excited for this next year. 2007 sucked for the most part, 2008 was amazing for the most part. God moved in incredible ways in my life this past year and I'm excited to see in what ways He is going to move me next. What hopes do you have for 2009? I'd love to hear them if you don't mind sharing them...

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