Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So I noticed that these blog things definitely go as swings of a pendulum of a grandfather clock. The people who don't experience this are the ones that seem to be the sports or political blogs that feel the need to post everyday. I'm not gonna touch on that subject, but they are interesting aren't they?

Anyways, if you read me "regularly" then you'll know that I don't post everyday, and that my subjects are all over the map. Many other friends that I know post in similar fashion and it got me to thinking about why. I know for two friends in particular, my little blog of nothing apparently spawned blogs of their own. Both I was ridiculously excited about because they far surpass me in html ability and the appearance of their blogs was right up there with very well designed websites. However they have also fallen by the wayside after promising starts. Momentum. Even the friend I was inspired by to start this, Mambo #5, goes through times of momentum; multiple posts followed up by spurts of nothing. 

I wonder why all of us have consistency issues...is it back and forth boredom and excitement? Is it pure busyness of life? I'm not entirely certain. Although any of you that know me, know that I'm a rather particular guy, and there have been more than a couple times that I didn't post because I couldn't think of a sufficient title for the post. Yup, that's me. 

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