Saturday, December 20, 2008

Collections of thoughts

So lately I've had a bunch of different and really cool conversations and moments of revelation with friends...and each time I've said to myself: "Man, I should really blog about this..." The really great thing about all of these occurrences is that they all are focused around Christ and following God and how we should act and love as His followers.

One of the first ones was with my good friend BRose, and it was both profound and poignant, but overall really good. We were talking about how even as followers of Christ we do such a horrible job at taming our tongues, even though the Bible talks at great length about both the positives and negatives of such action. It's really convicting if you take a day and consciously pay attention to what both you and others around you say towards one another, especially towards other believers! We agreed that as believers we are supposed to be encouraging and uplifting towards one another, and looking for ways in our conversation to edify Christ. However that obviously doesn't always happen...although it's funny because we all know how great it feels to be uplifted by words from friends. Why wouldn't we just do this constantly then? It would be like a crazy flow of endorphins and we'd all always be happy! Haha but I kid, sorta. 

Think about it though...what if we all really tried to watch what we said and made sure that the old childhood axiom of: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" became how we actually did live?!

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