Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pierce is in love with another man's wife.

So I actually got chastised for not posting yet today earlier while I was eating dinner...crazy. better watch yourself.

Let me just talk about last night; last night was incredible. Last night freaking ruled. Last night was how things should be. Last night I got the opportunity to hang out with almost all of my group of close friends from college. We were only missing a couple, but were fortunate to have a couple added to the group as well. It's just so good to reconnect with the people that you went into battle with for many years of your life, and the people that you really connected with on so many levels. These are the people who's weddings we have all been in, will be in, and have gone to and will go to. Heck, we even marry each other. Anyways, it was like we had never been separated and we all just picked up where we left off, and the new people transitioned in quite smoothly, which is even more encouraging because it shows that our group love is founded on Christ alone and therefore it is inviting and attractive to others.

I had a great little side conversation with one of my very best friends among the group, Ashley, and she brought up a conversation that she had had with one of the Julia's (of which I don't remember...dang it) that centered on how great our ingroup fellowship was. The topic discussed then in both convos was both serious and joking, but centered around how much we all love being around each other and how great our effect on others is when we are together. Ashley and I openly wondered if we should all just live in the same town, city, or big house together. Let me take a second and explain "big house" to you was this "genius" idea I had a couple years ago for us all to marry each other, and live in this ridiculously large house that would be more of a compound. Each family would have their own "wing" or "unit" that would be privately theirs, but then there would also be a large common area that could be used by all. In this fantastic scenario, all our kids would be able to hang out and group up together, and then they could get married too and it would just be sweet. Well suffice to say, that really hasn't happened.

What has happened though, has been incredible in its own right. God is just good. We have multiple friends up in the Connecticut and New York area on staff with Young Life, some teaching and also working for YL in the Annapolis area, a large contingent in the Charlotte area on staff with YL and also working, and then obviously still a very large chunk left here in Columbus which ironically includes no one on staff. That's just the really cool breakdown, but the larger thing that the Julia pointed out, was that it is awesome how God is using our group of friends to have a great impact on His kingdom by us being spread out all over the United States. It's exciting to talk to people more, of the ones who are still in Columbus especially, because there are ones amongst us that are not planning on staying here for the long run and continuing the spreading of the kingdom and His word and love. 

Granted, this will only continue to absolutely destroy the "Big House" plan. Dang it. 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." ~ Matthew 28:19-20

Friday, November 28, 2008

I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus x12

So I just got done working my first "Black Friday" ever...and it was crazy. Ridiculous crazy. Masses of people, all of them just interested in getting the best deal for something for someone...hopefully that something for that someone ends up being useful and liked. However if it's the thought that counts, what does that say when you are skimping money to get that something for that someone? I kid of course, but it makes you think a little bit doesn't it...

The other observation from this ridiculous day, is that I have now heard the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" about 12 times. I never want to hear that song again in my life. Now I had a friend tell me that her personal mission is to make sure that I don't lose my Christmas spirit or something like that...whatever that means. So to be honest I sure hope that she succeeds, and beyond that I sure hope that she doesn't even have to succeed. But this rampant materialism/consumerism and incessant pounding of horrible Christmas music into my ears isn't going to help.

I wish I had some more entertaining and thorough thoughts today, but I'm just wiped out right now and am even incredulous that I'm still awake right now... So I'll say goodnight, and please come back...I think I have some good thoughts and musings brewing...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey lurkey dee...

Oh snap I love Thanksgiving! Hopefully you do too, because when else is it socially acceptable to completely gorge yourself to the point of digestion induced sleep while horrible football is played?! Ok, so I know, we live in America and the previous statement could just be the motto of our beloved country during the fall... Then this gets me thinking even more recently, as I have thankfully just started two jobs and am no longer a societal mooch, but one of those jobs is doing stock at Macy's. It hit me like a ton of bricks the first day I was working, as it was one of their famed One Day Sales, just the rampant consumerism and over spending of money that infects our society. As I sat there continually refilling socks for hours, it really made me begin to reevaluate how I act as a consumer these days. What better ways could I serve Christ with my money than buying myself stuff...?

Really though, I have so much to be thankful for today, and lately I've also been reflecting a larger amount of things in my life and finding myself being very thankful all the time for things. Now of course in my way am I as appreciative I would like to be about things and people in my life, but I'm getting there.

First and foremost, I am thankful for the great I Am, and the fact that I can have a living and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, and that He is constantly pursuing me and seeking to be the Lord of my life. I am thankful for my family, and wish that we were able to share life more together. I am quite thankful for Young Life, and all that is going on at Central Crossing HS amongst those kids and parents. I am thankful for so many little things that I cannot even begin to list on here, but I challenge anyone who reads this to really take a critical look at the amazing amount of blessings in our lives and truly ask God for a spirit of humbleness and thankfulness about this life we live...

This morning was incredible. Got to see some of my brothers and sisters from Summer Staff this past July at Lake Champion, and anytime I see anyone from that month it's the's like we've never left each other, and it's like we are truly meant to be together. The fellowship was incredible, the fellowship was real. Seek that for your own life...

Happy Thanksgiving.
"He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up for us all - how we he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" ~ Romans 8:32

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hey hey there...everybody?

So right now I have no idea who is going to end up reading this, other than one friend who reintroduced a love of blogging to much thanks Mambo #5, you know who you are. Haha. Thanks.

I used to have a little livejournal that I did a few years back that got some good feedback, but then I was in it for the feedback, and now I really don't feel like I need that. For that maturation process in my life, I am thankful. Really though, I think through this I would love to get thoughts out there on things in this life; and that could encompass so many different things right now in my own journey. Hopefully this will primarily be both a place to read about what's going on in my own life as a form of catching friends and family up, as well as sharing the incredible things that God is doing in my own life and the lives of others that I am around. Of course then, it wouldn't be me if this also didn't include some commentaries and thoughts on the world of sports...

It will be quite interesting to see how this whole thing develops and matures if I can hopefully keep this up for some time...

There will be more to come today even I'm sure, as I head home for what will be right around 24 hours for Thanksgiving with my family. So I'm sure that even on the drive to Kettering and the little bit of time that I'll be there I'll have some interesting thoughts and reflections.

Until next time...